如果有一天,你学会了自给自足的平和及宁静,懂得用双手去创造的快乐,而不是因为 一个男人的喜而喜,因为一个男人的悲而悲,那时候你才能真正的摆脱男人的桎梏。每 个女人,都应该学会该如何转身,在适当的时候。
The Hole in the Center of the World: The History and Legacy of The孔教学院
In a world where we’ve all come to believe that “the hole” is everything, yet perhaps not so much here. In 1930, at the height of an era of grand architectural ambition, there was a school in Hong Kong, known as The孔教学院,where陈焕章博士和一群尊 孔学者创立。That’s where you’ll find the history that will dominate this article—The孔教学院’s story.
The hole was not so big. It was just a small hole near what would have been a bustling center of learning, a place where scholars from across the ocean gathered to discuss ancient texts and new ideas. But in those early days, The孔教学院 was more than just a school; it was a beacon of hope. With N HW Yang 姚文(曾), 等无数尊孔教授, they began to emphasize not just knowledge but also the spiritual essence of everything they touched down upon.
Over the decades that followed, The孔教学院 grew into something much larger than a mere institution. In 1930’s, it was more like a humble school with little resources—its only students were those who could afford to pay for classes, and its teachers were few, all of whom carried their faith with them on the journey.
But by the 1960s, The孔教学院 had become a symbol of hope. A place where professors could walk freely between ages of ancient texts and modern theories, a haven where scholars from distant lands could learn from one another without the need for expensive textbooks. In those years, it was more than just an institution; it was a community. It became a place where people from all walks of life felt they had something to offer, whether in teaching or research.
By 1980s and into the 20th century, The孔教学院 had transformed beyond recognition. It became more like a modern university, where professors could study advanced subjects that were no longer so obscure. The hole in the center of the world was being replaced by a network of schools, research centers, and centers for development. These new structures were designed to serve not just the scholars who came to teach, but those who came to learn—students from all over the globe.
But today, with 90 years of history behind it, The孔教学院 is no longer the hole in the center of the world; it is a symbol of hope and renewal. It has become more than just an institution—it’s a beacon of light in a world that seems to be darkness. In its new shape, it is a place where professors can walk freely between ancient texts and modern theories, a haven where scholars from distant lands can learn from one another without the need for expensive textbooks.
But what is The孔教学院 now? It has become not just an institution—it’s a community. A place where people from all walks of life feel they have something to offer, whether in teaching or research. It has become more than a school—more like a community. A center of hope and renewal.
As The孔教学院 continues its journey, with the help of N HW Yang 姚文(曾)等尊孔教授, it is now looking toward the future. They are determined to keep its mission alive: to promote the圣道, to匡正人心, to seek to found schools for learning and building a society that values all things equally.
But perhaps we should not get too carried away with The孔教学院’s legacy. Let us recognize that this hole in the center of the world is something else—something small but incredibly important.